 With Christmas right around the corner (literally), I wanted to take a few seconds to send out a huge MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone and give a little update on life lately, a-la internet Christmas card style.  If you’ve been checking in you’ll know that life has been a little bit on the crazy side here lately.  A little bit may be an understatement…

Since the last time I posted something personal our house has made lots of progress.  I was desperately hoping that it would be finished by Christmas so we could spend it all together there (with central heat for once) but it looks like it’s going to be close to February before we get in there.  I guess patience is the key word for me this season 🙂  What HAS been fun is picking out the little details and seeing things go into place.  I picked our floor plan (a low country style) for the openness and light that it will provide, and now that the drywall is up we can really see that we made a good choice.  Everything down to the faucets have been picked out (yes, I had to have a say over what the bathroom faucets look like. When you spend 8 months thinking about a house non stop you will too).  All the light fixtures have been picked one by one, the vanities that I had to have are in, and the awesome driftwood looking tile for the bathroom was picked up yesterday.  Never thought I would be so excited about knobs and grout…

With that said we still have a few weeks before we finish up, which means we’ll most likely be moving right about the time that the boys arrive.  We don’t like to take the easy way out of anything apparently.

I don’t think we’d announced anything yet the last time I posted, but I guess it’s safe to say now that it looks like we’re going to have two boys.  I guess Mike’s prayers were a little stronger than mine 🙂  I’m still skeptical on if that will actually be the case, but our Baby A doesn’t seem to be ashamed to show off what he’s got so we feel pretty confident there will be one boy at least.  Baby B on the other hand likes to curl up and hide (or gets kicked in the face by Baby A during sonograms, causing him to hide even more).  We’ve got some favorite names, but we won’t decide until they are here. Mike thinks I’m crazy but I think certain names match certain personalities and souls, and how can you know someone’s soul without seeing them?  I like a lot of gender neutral names so we’ve got at least one on the table that can be swapped if we do happen to end up with a girl in there.

With twins we only get to go until 38 weeks.  That is about January 27th-ish.  All our visits have been great, though we are now on the once a week schedule.  Heart rates and blood pressure are perfect, babies are a few weeks ahead of schedule size-wise, and there are no signs of labor.  I haven’t been feeling any Braxton Hicks, though the non stress test showed that there were some very small ones going on.  The midwife said it was perfectly normal to see that with thinner women (bless her heart. She may be my favorite person in the world right now for that comment).  They believe they will definitely make it a few more weeks, but they’ll probably come out before we hit 38.  Apparently when you carry twins the babies tend to grow and mature at a faster rate than a singleton, meaning that by 35 weeks they could do perfectly fine on their own outside of the womb.  It’s like your body and their bodies know they have less time and space so they speed up the process.  Pretty cool in my opinion.

So anyway, that’s the most recent happenings. Have been squeezing in a few last minute sessions while I can still function; feel free to check them out-lots of adorable little babies to ooh and ahh over lately :).  Over Thanksgiving my sister was kind/patient enough to take a few pictures for our Christmas card for us so I’ll end with some of those. (two notes: 1) Flynn’s BFF Ace decided to come over to play as soon as we started, so his attention level is about -8. and 2) by this point the Doctor was measuring my uterus size at that of a woman carrying a single woman at 40 weeks. Fun.  I’m a little rounder now and measuring a lovely 43 weeks for a singleton).

Again a huge MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy Holidays to all of you!  If I haven’t been keeping up with any of you, whether friends, family, or clients, I’d love to hear from you and catch up on how your year has gone!