I received this butterfly bush as a gift at the end of last summer and, not knowing exactly what it was, tucked it away neatly into a little corner of my flower bed and forgot about it (at this point it was about a foot tall and was on the verge of death on a daily basis…I wasn’t the most attentive caretaker).  A few weeks ago I noticed that this little struggling plant had not only grown, but was about 10 feet tall and overtaking my roof.  I figured if it had that strong of a will to survive I might as well give it a little water, so I drug the hose around.  I set it to mist and let it go, but as soon as the water hit the plant it was like it had exploded. What seemed like hundreds of butterflies came fluttering out everywhere! It was the coolest, most beautiful thing!  I grabbed my camera to take a few pics of the where’s waldo-esque butterfly scene and ended up with some pretty little shots.  This little (no so) plant is really living up to its name, and I can’t say I mind one bit.






In other news, we took a sweet little weekend trip up to Sagaponack this past weekend for some family time and I can’t wait to share. More on that soon 🙂 Until then, wishing you peace, love and bliss-A